The President and most of Congress got it all wrong again. They just don't understand it. If I go to my bank and tell them I can't pay my loan, they tell me tough luck. If the government says it can't pay its debt, we're supposed to say, "Hey, come over here, my wallet is your wallet."
Rather than make meaningful spending cuts, and trying to toughen immigration laws, they instead cobbled together a meaningless piece of legislative propaganda that only postpones the inevitable, which is actually dealing with the debt crisis.
Here are some points Congress apparently missed:
A. We have 12.5 million, give or take a few thousand, illegal immigrants in this country who are able to receive food stamps, medical care, and other benefits without actually paying for them, like actual Americans do. They pay no taxes, except sales tax when they buy something. Most of them work for cash, pay with cash, and no one can trace the money.
The President and liberal leaders say legalize them! They'll help us with the economy! News flash: that's just plain wrong-headed thinking. They are here working under the table so they don't have to pay taxes! Do you think they will just come out of the woodwork and start volunteering to work jobs where they have to give up some of that money in taxes?
B. Money going overseas. If Congress would stop borrowing from our enemy, China, just to send that money to other countries as annual foreign aid, it would help balance our budget. We are not obligated to these other countries! We should have never gotten in bed with China, but our government has borrowed us into financial slavery to a Communist nation! Now, whenever China feels we've lost our status in the world, all they have to do is pull their money out of our economy and we sink. Try explaining that to the liberals in Washington, who will borrow yet more money from China before the year is over.
C. Stop taxing American companies so much. One of the reasons our American companies leave for overseas are the high taxes here, and our government wants to tax them more. Now, I'm not defending companies going overseas and abandoning the American worker, but at the same time, no one seems to be blaming the government for the high taxes we put on these companies.
D. Stop meaningless government studies. The federal government recently spent more than $1 million on a study about the health of homosexual men with active sex lives. This isn't the only frivolous use of our tax dollars.
E. Drill for our own oil. It's less expensive to drill at home than pay the high prices OPEC demands. Millions of dollars in tax revenues are being flushed down a Middle East toilet as we continue to buy oil from countries who hate us. The oil under our own feet can bring millions in tax dollars, then provide jobs, which brings millions more in tax dollars. Then, those dollars we are spending overseas on oil will be spent here, and it's a double shot of financial profit right here at home.
Sadly, though, the President and Congress could care less whether the little blue collar worker in Tennessee or Alabama is having their own debt crisis, or health crisis, or any other type of crisis. As long as they have the money to spend, spend, spend, we have to keep coming up the money to pay, pay, pay. Unfortunately, they're all deaf, and we are the only ones who can hear the piper playing. He's getting louder, and louder, and louder....
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